Mind My Business is now GUARANTEED IRISH
Mind My Business is proud as punch to announce that we have been awarded the Guaranteed Irish stamp of approval. The Guaranteed Irish symbol is awarded to companies which create quality jobs, contribute to local communities and are committed to Irish provenance.
We are currently the only bookkeeping services and software company to hold this prestigious accolade in the entire country. This will serve to re-enforce our USP as an approachable, supportive, home-grown Irish business helping local businesses prosper.
This will make us stand out against the high-spending TV ad campaigns of the big UK bookkeeping apps and we will continue to get our story and our message out. We are delighted to have been supported by so many small businesses and start ups throughout Ireland and extend our sincere thanks to everyone that has signed up to our app or come on board as bookkeeping clients, recommended and referred other local businesses to us, followed us on social media, subscribed to our News articles and in each individual way you have chosen to help strengthen us.
I’ll stop there before this turns into an emotional Oscar winners blubbing acceptance speech. We will of course be plastering the Guaranteed Irish logo everywhere and anywhere we can think of. Currently considering the tattoo.
And don’t forget Tax Deadline looms, so if you do nothing else this week, join our bookkeeping community and get your numbers crunched and ready with our easy app. Go to www.mindmybusiness.ie and sign up today!
Niall & Team